Keys to Building Fact Fluency

Mike Kenny, a 5th grade math teacher in Vermont, created MathFactLab after researching the most effective ways for students to gain fluency with their facts and not being satisfied with the resources available.

Five Key Points

  1. MathFactLab is an online platform which helps students recognize patterns and build number sense as they become fluent with all facts.
  2. Mike Kenny emphasized the importance of students learning strategies in the classroom first and then using this tool as a fun, effective way to practice and extend their understanding.
  3. MathFactLab helps students recognize patterns and build number sense while incorporating a variety of visual models and tools to keep students engaged and developmentally on track.
  4. Teachers appreciate the program’s flexibility, because it can be customized to fit the needs of all students and provides helpful feedback for goal setting.
  5. Many teachers are utilizing MathFactLab in their classrooms and experiencing great success!  Give it a try and share your thoughts with the MathFactLab team.

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