Purchaser is asked to immediately review the complete contents of the enclosed order and report issues to think! Mathematics. If there are incorrect titles, damaged products, shortages, or defective products, please contact [email protected] immediately for an authorization return and return shipping instructions. Purchaser is asked to save all packing materials if damage is to be reported. Your timely attention to any need for return due to damage, defect, or errant order is required within 30 days of receipt of the product with no exception. Think!Mathematics will correct faulty orders at the expense of think! Mathematics when the purchaser notifies our offices within 30 days of receipt of the product. Purchaser assumes all expense of returning items if the return is shipped without authorization from think! Mathematics.
Purchaser may return any unused, purchased products no later than one (1) month after the shipping date for a 10% restocking fee. Purchaser assumes the risk and expense of returning any product. Think!Mathematics will not accept damaged or used products for return or refund. Shipping charges are non-refundable.
View our full Return Policy.