What you’ll learn:
- Curriculum: Explore and practice lessons from each unit of study
- Fluency: Use games and classroom routines to build counting fluency and number sense
- Classroom Culture: Design a classroom that fosters mathematical thinking
- Assessment: Collect and using age-appropriate data to drive instruction
Session 1
Our first session will be an introduction to the Developing Roots Pre-K program with a focus on classroom setup, organizing student materials, and navigating the Teacher’s Guide and Teacher Toolkit. You will learn the importance of establishing a classroom culture that fosters independence, perseverance and deep thinking in your young mathematicians.
Session 2
We will explore Unit of Study 1: My Space, My Place and the big ideas of math in this unit, with an emphasis on helping students develop a beginning understanding of number, number names, and numerals. Through an examination of UOS1 lessons, you will learn to use the learning trajectories within each lesson as a tool for assessing student learning and differentiating instructional activities for your students. You will also learn how to integrate choral counting routines into your classroom, as well as the importance of providing students with independent practice through games during “math shelf” or “math center” time.
Session 3
The focus for this session will be on the spiraling math ideas addressed in UOS 2: Explore Some More, with the main focus on geometry. As you participate in lessons from UOS2, you’ll learn how to use the “Look for” section of your teacher’s guide to help you document and record student growth. You will also learn how to incorporate the math routine of Quick Looks in your classroom as a way for students to explore patterns.
Session 4
We will explore the math content of Unit of Study 3: Helping Hands and Unit of Study 4: Winter Wonderings. Identifying common attributes, patterns and mathematical relationships is a focus of UOS3 and UOS4, and will therefore be the focus of our lesson study. You will learn how to implement the Paired Looks routines as a means of building the foundations for fluency, and explore additional ideas for enhancing the learning and deepening student thinking through questioning and extension activities.
Session 5
The final session of the year, will focus on helping students explore part-whole relationships through the lessons in Unit of Study 5: What Spring Brings. Participants will learn the importance of conceptual subitizing in helping students combine parts to make a whole in order to build a foundation for operational thinking and fluency. The big ideas of measurement and data will also be explored through a study of UOS5 lessons.